


Salem Al Mubarak Street - Salmiya - Kuwait

Email: info@chargedkw.com
Phone: +965-98882628
Civil authority No: 4500112
Commercial Registration No: 416541

Invoice Number INV-00062024
Invoice Date December 11, 2024
Due Date December 25, 2024
Total Due KWD569.00
Test Client


EVE22W - 22kW with tethered cable (White version)

·       Main features

o   Charge Up to 22kW with Type-2 connector.

o   3.0-inch LCD Screen

o   Built-in proximity sensor and brightness sensor

o   Charging mode (RFID/APP/Password/Plug and Play)

o   Support for smart phone app.

o   Input: 200Vac~240Vac

o   Modern and unique design, different from other existing models.

o   IK08 and IP65 rated for indoor/outdoor applications

o   Compact and Small design (180mm*180mm*70mm)

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
1 Supply EV Charger

Honors EVE22W - 22kW with tethered cable (White version)

1 15M Standard Installation, Testing and Commissioning KWD280.00KWD280.00
Sub Total KWD569.00
Tax KWD0.00
Total Due KWD569.00

Bank Name اسم البنك :
Boubyan Bank بنك بوبيان

Account Holder صاحب الحساب:
Charged General Trading شركة تشارجد للتجارة العامة
Account Number: رقم الحساب: 0628960001
IBAN number رقم: KW16BBYN0000000000000628960001
Branch address عنوان البنك: Salmiya branch فرع السالمية

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